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Mihua Foundation Welcomes You!

Hope Is Where the Heart Is

The Mihua Foundation is a student led non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

At Mihua, our goal is to educate and support students while providing a helping hand at making them the best versions of themselves. We do this through our various educational and enrichment programs; We have created a platform connecting students to resources and curating to their needs. The Mihua Foundation has taken the initiative to help underprivileged students and give back to the community. 

Home: Welcome


A Bit of Background

Here at Mihua Foundation, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for everyone, including students. What initially started as a passion project for our team, is now a reality that we are able to provide for all students.

Crowd Cheering
Home: Who We Are

“Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do”


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High Fives

Student Outreach

Volunteer Service

Educational Programs

Enrichment Activities

Home: What We Do

Contact Mihua Foundation

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